The magic of giving is in your mascara wand!
Many of us get ready for the day and finish off our look with a magic sweep of our mascara wand. Application after application until it is time for a new bottle and it is tossed in the trash without much thought.
Thanks to Wands for Wildlife! There is more magic in those wands.
The Appalachian Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina is in need of used mascara wands for their furry friends. Old mascara wands are used to remove fly eggs and larva from the fur of wild animals. They work great because the bristles are close together.
It's simple!
Clean your wands with soap and water to remove and residue.
Place them in an appropriate envelope with the correct postage.
Include any other donations.
Fill out the FORM and place it in your envelope.
Send to to PO Box 1211 Skyland, NC 28776.
Visit Appalachain Wildlife Refuge for more information
Look great! Feel good! Extend the magic of your mascara to the little critters that are in need of extra special care. Recycle & #savewildlives